The Art Of Movement In Leelanau
Photo Courtesy Of The State Of Michigan On a winter's hike, ... Through wind and water, Sand and snow, ... She savors what her body can do. Forging a path, In space and time, By advancing her feet, Alternately, Carefully. Always raising one foot, Expectantly, To Father Sky. And lowering the other, Confidently, To Mother Earth. Raising and lowering, Again And again - An artist's rendering of Strength and endurance, Rhythm and grace. See You In Leelanau Up North, Chris Visit A Leelanau Landmark: Friends of Sleeping Bear Dunes - A seriously dedicated band of volunteers whose mission is to protect resources and heighten visitor experiences in partnership with the National Lakeshore. Stop by to learn more. CLICK 'SUBSCRIBE' AND ENJOY LEELANAU UP NORTH EVERY TWO WEEKS!