
Showing posts from February, 2019

In Leelanau, Our Time Is Now

Sleeping  Bear  Dunes - Leelanau Often, as I gaze upon these monuments of sand, I try to comprehend that they are 11,000 years old - remnants of the last ice age.  For some perspective, the dunes were sentinels on the big lake long before Christ traversed the hills of Judea. Yet the dunes, in geologic time (a measure of earth's multi-billion year history), are mere toddlers compared to other inhabitants of Leelanau. The rocks scattered throughout the Lakeshore, from car size boulders to the smallest Petoskey stones, date from the so-called Devonian Period - some 350 million years in the past. And if the dunes are toddlers in geologic time, we humans are but infants - having come to this land in our prehistoric form just 9,000 years ago. So, ... as you behold the Land of Delight, consider the ancient lineage of all that you see. But know that, as the infants of Leelanau,  our time , geologically speaking,  is now.   Let us make the most of it. See You Up N

Leelanau Winter Embrace

February  Surf  -  Empire  Beach Let there be biting cold ... so that I may feel warmth. Let there be raging wind ... so that I may know stillness. Let there be drifting snow ... so that I may forge a path. Let there be crashing waves ... so that I may hear silence. Let there be freezing water ... so that I may see it flow. Let there be ... Winter ... So that I may come alive. See You Up North, Chris                           Visit A Leelanau Landmark:  Get up close and personal with                           Winter on a ranger-led snowshoe hike in the national park.                          Every Saturday at 1pm, join a ranger for a guided hike in the                           Lakeshore.  Meet at the Visitor's Center in Empire to get a                           park pass and snowshoes.  Reservations are required.  Call                          231-326-4700 for details.  Hikes happen through March 23rd. Remember that all advertising revenue from Leela