Leelanau Is Not Enough

Whaleback  Natural  Area

People come to Leelanau because it makes them happy.

The unhurried pace of life, ... in a picturesque village, ... surrounded by stunning natural beauty - will do that for you.

Make you happy.

Some enjoy a short, tranquil break from their big city routine.  Others are grateful for a permanent camp beside the water and the woods.

But whether we admit it or not, happiness here - and everywhere - is as fleeting as the Leelanau summer sun and winter winds.

Deep inside, we know ...

Our longing for happiness cannot be satisfied here in Leelanau, ... or in this world.

Yet our very longing hints at another realm,

Somewhere beyond the crest of the dunes,

Where there is true and lasting happiness.

Though Leelanau is not enough, ...

It tempts with a sweet taste of what is to come.

See You In Leelanau Up North,

                    Visit A Leelanau Landmark: Whaleback Natural Area - Another
                    prized acquisition of the Leelanau Conservancy, ... where bald 
                    eagles nest among towering oak and hemlock trees 300 feet 
                    above Lake Michigan's Manitou passage. Just south of Leland.



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